Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kohinoor's Birth Place

The Koh-i-noor as related by Tavernier was found in Kollur near the River Krishna in the year 1656 A.D. during the reign of Sultan Abdullah Qutb Shah. Meer Jumla who joined hands with the Mughals, presented the diamond, while still uncut, to Shah Jehan. The stone then weighed 787 carats. In 1665 the Koh-i-noor was seen by Tavernier, in Aurangzeb's treasury (Travels in India by Tavernier). During the time of Mahmood Shah (1739 AD) Nadir Shah took it to Iran.

After the death of Nadir Shah at Keleth in 1747, it was passed to his grandson Shah Rukh in Meshed. In 1751 Shah Rukh gave it as a reward to Ahmed Shah at Kabul, and later on it was passed by descent to his eldest son Shah Zaman, and then to Shah Zaman's brother Sultan Shuja.

In 1812 the families of Zaman and Shuja went to Lahore and met Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the last ruler of the Punjab and in return for some favour it was presented to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In 1839, Ranjit Singh died and at that time the Koh-i-noor was valued at one million sterling. Punjab was annexed in 1849 by the East India Company and the diamond was taken by Lord Lawrence and presented to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. The Koh-i-noor now weighed 106 carats and finally found its place in the Imperial Regalia of Britain.

Read The Article

Please watch the video.. Kolluru Diamond Mines are 5 Km from the place I am standing. There is big irrigation project named Pulichintala coming up. The mines will be submerged in the water.

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