Wednesday, April 9, 2008

BMTC One Man Service Boon or Bane

Bangalore MTC one man service is the dangerous service on the earth.

One man service is the one where there is no conductor. The driver only issues the tickets. This service is a boon for BMTC. They make a good margin with this service. They make this margin at public cost.

I always avoid OMS buses. These are biggest bottleneck for Bangalore Traffic. The bus will take 20 to 30 minutes more time than regular bus. It means it is added extra burden to the Bangalore traffic. The bus will stop in each bus stand for more time. Driver has issue the tickets, he has answer the queries. Many time driver issue the ticket while driving. Some time his both hands will be off from the steering. It is very dangerous for the public.

The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation is one of the very few profit making public transport corporations. They implement and adapt new technologies and new policies. It is high time they should review there One man service policy.

Watch the video

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